Metal Waltz Wikia
  • THIS EVENT HAS ENDED ! You can no longer obtain event item (Protein) or exchange them for metal maiden


First two tables are translated from Chinese wiki. [1]

Each volume has at least one chapter with a guaranteed L-Protein drop. To get this drop, certain conditions must be met (such as tank compositions or certain rarities). Once L-Protein has dropped from these conditions, it can't drop again. Passing a chapter with a B or higher will drop the L-Protein.



  • Cost 8 Protein

Katyusha M13[]

  • Cost 8 Protein
  • Queen of Rocky Valley. Best Self-Propelled Gun for Rocky maps.

Data from beta server[]

  • Likely all setups here are correct, maybe less restriction (such as 3-3 can use any 2 ATG)
  • Report you finding, or look for English version drop reports here Thread:1348
No. Stage Class Class Class Class
1 1-3 2BlueHeavy Tank 2BlueSelf-Propelled Gun
2 2-1 2BlueHeavy Tank 2BlueSelf-Propelled Gun
3 2-4 2Armored Vehicle 2Self-Propelled Gun
4 3-3 StuG III Ausf. C 1BlueAnti-Tank Gun 2BlueArmored Vehicle 2BlueSelf-Propelled Gun
5 4-2 2Heavy Tank 2Medium Tank 2Light Tank
6 4-4 2Heavy Tank
7 5-2 2Medium Tank 2Heavy Tank 2Armored Vehicle
8 6-4 2Medium Tank 2Heavy Tank 2Anti-Tank Gun
9 7-3 2Medium Tank 2Light Tank 2Armored Vehicle
10 8-1 3Light Tank 1Heavy Tank 1Medium Tank 1Anti-Tank Gun
11 8-3 4Armored Vehicle
12 9-2 2Heavy Tank 2Self-Propelled Gun
13 10-3 2Medium Tank 2Heavy Tank 2Anti-Tank Gun
14 11-2 3Self-Propelled Gun 2Heavy Tank 1Armored Vehicle

Data from Chinese Server[]

  • Seems that English version is using beta server's setting and some setup here may not work. Please read Thread:1348 for drop reports.
  • No9 and 14, highlighted with green, are confirmed to drop protein and not included in the beta table above.
No. Stage Class Class Class Class Class Note
1 1-3 2Heavy Tank 2Self-Propelled Gun Blue tanks only
2 2-1 2Heavy Tank 2Self-Propelled Gun Blue tanks only
3 2-3 2Armored Vehicle 1Heavy Tank 1Self-Propelled Gun Blue tanks only
4 3-2 2Light Tank 1Heavy Tank 1Self-Propelled Gun Blue tanks only
5 4-2 2BlueLight Tank 2BlueMedium Tank 2BlueHeavy Tank
6 4-4 3BlueAnti-Tank Gun 2BlueSelf-Propelled Gun 1BlueHeavy Tank
7 5-2 2BlueLight Tank 2BlueMedium Tank 2BlueArmored Vehicle
8 5-4 3PurpleAnti-Tank Gun 1PurpleHeavy Tank 1BlueSelf-Propelled Gun 1BlueArmored Vehicle
9 6-2 2PurpleArmored Vehicle 2PurpleAnti-Tank Gun 2PurpleLight Tank
10 6-4 1Heavy Tank 1Medium Tank 1Armored Vehicle 2Anti-Tank Gun 1Light Tank
11 7-3 2PurpleArmored Vehicle 2PurpleLight Tank 2PurpleSelf-Propelled Gun
12 8-2 4PurpleSelf-Propelled Gun 1PurpleAnti-Tank Gun 1PurpleMedium Tank All colors allowed
13 8-3 4PurpleArmored Vehicle 2PurpleLight Tank/2Self-Propelled Gun
14 9-2 2PurpleAnti-Tank Gun 2PurpleLight Tank 2PurpleArmored Vehicle 9-2 can obtain 2 protein only
15 9-2 1Armored Vehicle 1Anti-Tank Gun 1Heavy Tank 2Self-Propelled Gun
16 9-2 1Medium Tank 2Heavy Tank 2Self-Propelled Gun 1Armored Vehicle
17 10-3 2PurpleMedium Tank 2PurpleHeavy Tank 2PurpleAnti-Tank Gun
18 11-2 2PurpleHeavy Tank 1PurpleArmored Vehicle 3PurpleSelf-Propelled Gun
19 12-4 1Medium Tank 1Self-Propelled Gun 1Armored Vehicle no restriction for others Only 1 Purple, other must be Blue. Very hard.
20 13-3 3Medium Tank No more than one Self-Propelled Gun
21 14-1 6Medium Tank may bring six Purple
22 15-1 2BlueLight Tank Can bring one more orange. others can be blue or purple
23 15-2 4Anti-Tank Gun 1Heavy Tank 1 wildcard All colors allowed
24 16-2 3Armored Vehicle Must bring one BlueArmored Vehicle,no restriction on others

Confirmed Drops[]

Maps that not included in the tables above

No. Stage Class Class Class Class Notes
1 5-3 3 Anti-Tank Gun 1 Self-Propelled Gun 1 Light Tank 1 Heavy Tank